Blog — tea

Kantung Teh Ramah Lingkungan

Kantung Teh Ramah Lingkungan

Teh celup adalah salah satu alternatif bagaimana kita menikmati teh dengan mudah dan cepat. Kantung teh celup bisa terbuat dari berbagai bahan, kalian bisa menemukan kantung teh berbahan kertas, kain, atau food-grade plastic. Namun saat ini karena tingkat kesadaran masyarakat  yang mulai meningkat akan kelestarian alam, maka produsen teh celup pun mulai berupaya untuk memproduksi teh mereka dengan bahan yang ramah lingkungan dan lebih aman. Dengan mengikuti perkembangan jaman dan memenuhi permintaan konsumen, TEMA Tea akhirnya merubah kemasan kantung teh celup dengan bahan biodegradable berbentuk segitiga. Bahan yang baik dan pas untuk digunakan pada loose leaf TEMA.      Kantung...

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Inside Story of Tea Bags

Inside Story of Tea Bags

  Tea bags was invented in 8th Century by Tang Dynasty in China. Back then, they wrapped the tea with a paper and stitched all sides, to preserve of the tea aromas. It was not popular until Thomas Sullivan, an American tea importer, uses silk pouches to wrap his tea samples instead of using tea tins to cut cost. Some of his customers thought that the silk pouches were meant for an infuser rather than just packaging. This accidental invention increased Thomas Sullivan’s tea sales significantly, and resulted the spreading usage of tea bags.     Sourced: A selection of...

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Our Journey Towards Sustainable Packaging

Our Journey Towards Sustainable Packaging

I remember in high school, our science teacher would always give us projects using the ‘PHEOC’ steps: Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Observation, and Conclusion. Never in my wildest imagination, I would ever use this again in my adult life. Now, before we dissect the Problem, I would like to give you a glimpse on how and why is this important for us. TEMA has been around for a year as of this month (yay!). Since the beginning, we aim to be a brand that is sustainable, environmentally-friendly and produce locally. Being an UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) and a new player in...

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Brew Your Own Tea Latte at Home

Latte is usually associated with coffee and milk. For us tea drinkers, who also wants the richness of milk on its cup of tea can create a tea latte.This rich yet simple drinks can be easily made at home with TEMA Tea. So, what is tea latte, really? Just like caffe lattes, it is made with steamed or frothed milk. However, instead of coffee espresso, we filled the cup with tea, usually the strong flavored ones. It can be served both warm and cold. The basic ingredients needed to make a tea latte are concentrated brew tea, sweetener, and frothed...

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