Blog — sustainability
TEMA Tea Blending Workshop edisi #dirumahaja
Untuk mencegah perluasan pandemi covid-19, pemerintah membatasi semua aktivitas kami di luar rumah. Awalnya mungkin sedikit senang, karena bisa sambal “liburan” dirumah. Tapi setelah lewat 2 minggu, mulai deh berasa bosan dan jenuh. Bingung hal baru apa lagi yang harus dicoba. Nah, untuk menemani kalian yang #dirumahaja, kami berinisiatif untuk mengadakan workshop class. Walaupun sebelumnya kami sudah beberapa kali mengadakan workshop, tapi kali ini berbeda karena untuk pertama kalinya TEMA Tea mengadakan workshop secara online. Antusiasme yang kami dapatkan dari workshop online ini betul-betul diluar ekspektasi, karena langsung penuh dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam dan bahkan sampai terbagi...
"Reuse" TEMA Tea Packaging
“Reuse, Reduce, Recycle.” 3 words that have been embedded on almost everyone’s head but only a few acts on it. As a brand that focuses on being local and sustainable, we sing these 3 words at work, at home, even during our sleep. On this opportunity, we would like to discuss the importance of “Reuse” and how we implemented it here. As you may or may not aware, sometimes on our Jar Box Packaging, you may find something like this. A box with its package date covered in black square and covered by a sticker. Some had...
Inside Story of Tea Bags
Tea bags was invented in 8th Century by Tang Dynasty in China. Back then, they wrapped the tea with a paper and stitched all sides, to preserve of the tea aromas. It was not popular until Thomas Sullivan, an American tea importer, uses silk pouches to wrap his tea samples instead of using tea tins to cut cost. Some of his customers thought that the silk pouches were meant for an infuser rather than just packaging. This accidental invention increased Thomas Sullivan’s tea sales significantly, and resulted the spreading usage of tea bags. Sourced: A selection of...
Our Journey Towards Sustainable Packaging
I remember in high school, our science teacher would always give us projects using the ‘PHEOC’ steps: Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Observation, and Conclusion. Never in my wildest imagination, I would ever use this again in my adult life. Now, before we dissect the Problem, I would like to give you a glimpse on how and why is this important for us. TEMA has been around for a year as of this month (yay!). Since the beginning, we aim to be a brand that is sustainable, environmentally-friendly and produce locally. Being an UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) and a new player in...
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