What to do with your leftover tea?

What to do with your leftover tea?

Tea is known for its high antioxidants used to protect against cell damages from the production of free radicals or unstable molecules in our body. Because of this benefit, more and more people are drinking tea.

Nonetheless, did you know that antioxidants can also be good for our outer body parts?

Green tea is high in Polyphenols, a specific type of antioxidant. Polyphenols can help our body to achieve a younger, and healthier-looking skin. You can use Matcha Iri Genmaicha by TEMA Tea to make your own natural body scrub. Matcha Iri Genmaicha contains white rice which works as an exfoliate. It is also an excellent source of vitamin B to help the production of new cells.


  • Tea Body Scrub



    • 1 cup of granulated white sugar
    • 1/3-1/2 of cup olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon Matcha Iri Genmaicha (after you brew it)

    Step by Step




    1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until it is well blended. You may want to add more olive oil based on your own personal preference. 




      2. Store it in a glass jar or an air-tight container.




      3. Use this body scrub on damp skin, rub it for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then rinse it off with water.


      After you are done, you can put the glass jar in room temperature and use it again whenever your want. The more you use the tea scrub, the smoother and cleaner your skin will be. Now you can enjoy your skin and be ready to seize the day!



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